Cheerleading in Colombia

This sport has less than 30 years in Colombia but is famous than practice soccer or basketball. In this moment, it is an important activity practiced in schools to keep the students active and help them to be responsible and disciplined. 

5 years ago was founded “Federación Colombiana de porrismo” that support all the teams in the country. Also, we have the Colombian’s team who represent the country in the worldwide competitions.

One of the most important competitions are:

-Capital Cheer.
-Campeonato Distrital De Porrismo
- INDER medellin

TEAM COLOMBIA Coed Elite | ICU 2018 DAY 1 - YouTube

Capital Cheer Colombia - Home | Facebook   Lo mejor del porrismo de Colombia se presentó en Medellín en el ...

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Liliana
    Very interesting the topic you chose, I did not know that cheerleaders were considered a sport in our country, I have seen it a lot on television but in the United States. Thank you very much for sharing this story to know a little more about it.
    Thank you.
    Karen González Fernández
